Butterscotch Queen

The vibrations are earth shaking, the energy’s circling and serenading the passion we’ve attempted at taming.The siren’s voice is Hypnotic, her waist vexes me, she does too much, her rivals fail in comparison dismally the exercise would be futile. The primal lust in me is thriving, it’s status is beaucoup, her status is sentient, she awakens my sentiments. To me nothing’s purer than her sound, I’m high off her light for starters and I finish with her touch, I let her body soothe me but her spirit move me, she’s my on and on, my forever’s forever, the vibes will last as time passes looking forward into the future or back to the past. 

My butterscotch queen, I blush when I see her I cry when she sings, I listen to her song and my heart bleeds, tugged and tightened at it’s seems, food for thought and my soul feeds…We’ve known and waited for each other and the crossing of our paths, the wordsmith to your melody, your song and life dance, your loyal man your brother your one and only other. My deity, my queen, my always was and will be, I’ll be here steady and ready for you to fall for my rhyme scheme my reason, the poets curse is upon me and you can’t doubt the drawn sensations you feel, to my lovers verse. 

Author : Audrey T. Nyamucherera

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